Saturday, 28 November 2009

LUPE MIXTAPE...and news of the next one

As promised Lupe's new mixtape dropped on Thanksgiving. Download it here.

And just to prove he's still got it, Mr Fiasco has announced the release of ANOTHER mixtape for DEC 25th to be entitled 'Friend of the people'.

Well that's my tube journey playlist sorted for the next couple of months!

FNF up!

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


Fela Kuti himself needs little introduction, musician, political activist and an icon both in his homeland Nigeria and across the world, his life is now to be commemorated on Broadway.

If his name alone isn't enough to bring the crowds, the play 'Fela!' has aquired some pretty hefty backing from none other than Jay-Z, Will Smith and Jada Pinket-Smith who have signed up as producers to provide financial backing towards the $11mil price tag.

It seems they have ?uestlove of 'The Roots' to thank for that, having become a fan after seeing the off-Broadway production he rallied up his industry buddies to come see it and hooked a few more fans. Having hit Broadway this November we've just got to hope with such a strong backing UK dates will be soon to follow.

Jay-Z speaks on Fela! the play

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

New Lupe Fiasco mixtape title

So Mr Lupe 'wearelasers' Fiasco is dropping his latest mixtape this week on American thanksgiving (Nov 26th apparently). I'm pretty sure that's something to be thankful for! Having put the title up for suggestion last week to a mere 1,115 suggestions thus far...

...he has finally gone with the title Enemy Of The State: A Love Story

I'll try and get it up here when it drops. Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, 23 November 2009

Jigga AMA acceptance speech...

Clearley unfazed by the lastest of Beanie's diss records aimed his way and with his 11th number one album to back him up, Jigga makes his acceptance speech at the AMAs yesterday at which he won best male hip-hop.

"Men lie, Women lie, numbers dont"...If ever there were truer words spoken!

Sunday, 22 November 2009


If you don't know about Nneka yet now is the time to find out...

Her 3rd album 'Concrete Jungle' is set to be out in the US in February 2010 and if her last album 'No longer at ease' is anything to go by this will continue to hold up a mirror to the troubles going on in the Niger Delta region of her native Nigeria and the conflict in her own mind.

Nneka seems at home whether she's singing or rapping and the seamless connection between the two makes for exciting music. To quote Rakim this is music 'for the listeners' and if you're only going to 'hear' her music you're going to be missing out on something.

The single 'The Uncomfortable Truth' is out already on itunes...

Saturday, 21 November 2009

FREE event: Hip Hop History

My first post...lets see what we can do!

Ok, so this Saturday the 'London College of Communication' is hosting its 3rd annual Hip Hop History event. I never got the chance to go last year but they sound pretty good, first up...

OBAMA: The first Hip Hop President (Sat 21st November, 1-4pm at Elephant and Castle) its free so just turn up on the day.

I was never sure what Jeezy's Lambo being blue had anything to do with it but Hip Hop loves Obama and apparently Obama loves hip hop. The guys at the LCC are going to talk about Obama's Hip Hop backed run to the White House for all its ups and downs. Check it out if you can!