Sunday 7 March 2010

Proto's SBTV F64

7 words: IF YOU DON'T KNOW, NOW YOU KNOW! (Phew, yep, definately 7 words)

From first hearing Proto spit alongside eLDee, to wearing out The Swelly Express on my ipod, to seeing Chiddy Bang perform live at the tiny Notting Hill Arts Club and watching The Opposite Of Adults climb up the itunes chart- there's been little doubt in my mind that Chidera 'Proto' Anemege could easily out-rhyme and out-freestyle, well...pretty much anyone. If you need any more proof, check out the F64 he recorded for SBTV; as always it comes straight off the top!

Big props to SBTV for the recognition, and nice to see Xaphoon kicking it in the background.

"Flow sicker than the flu" - No doubt!

via SBTV

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